
Mar 2, 2008

why there are two ground pins in 8086

here are the different answers

first one :
1 for analog n other for digital ground as i ve heard..the diff b/w analog n digital ground is digital ground doesnt have transient currents sumthin like that i heard dont knw in detail..

second one :
several pins of 8086 are multiplexed (means they have different functions in different situations). the functions of those pins are controlled by these ground pins. the two functions of processor is grouped in two groups namely 'min mode operation' and 'max mode operation'.

third one :
there are two pins to support max mode and min of the mode is multiprocessor mode i.e. in ithis mode u can connect two or more multiprocessors to work in cooperation. if both pin r grounded it means single procesor mode..

last one :
consider a circuit where ur 8086 has to be activated only when certain condition is met. say the output of a logic circuit is low. the output pin of this device is connected to the gnd pin of 8086. when ever the out put pin is low there is a voltage diff between vcc and gnd pins of 8086 and 8086 is activated. so the logic device output pin acts a current sink. the sinking capacities of normal ttl devices are far less compared to the current sourced by a 8086 up. hence 2 gnd pins to split current from 8086 and ensure the current at gnd pin of 8086 does not exceed the sinking capacities of the peripherals.

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